When you or a loved one falls victim to misconduct by the police, it can be a difficult and confusing period as you are opposing a body designed to protect you. The police are there to protect the public and establish law and order, but there are instances when they can act out of character, leading to complaints and civil lawsuits. You don’t have to hold the belief that you cannot challenge the police. Our expert civil litigation solicitors in Streatham Hill have years of experience in dealing with wrongful prosecution and malicious conduct by the police.
If you intend to make a claim of malicious prosecution, you can take action against the police, but it is imperative that you discuss the matter with a legal professional first. Our solicitors can provide expert legal advice and representation, examining your claim and getting the result you need as efficiently as possible.
Steps You Can Take
To be falsely accused of a crime you didn’t commit, even a minor one, can be a devastating burden to have to cope with; when these accusations are the result of deliberate actions unlawful actions by a body whose sole purpose is to protect you, can make the situation very nerve-wracking.
When the police abuse their power, it can have significant repercussions on those affected. Malicious prosecution is much more than just being falsely accused of a crime; you must have evidence that malicious activity has taken place.
In all malicious prosecution cases, you must have relevant, strong evidence that the police acted with vindictive intent. If the police had no reason to pursue prosecution, or the pursuit was not in the interest of justice, you must gather the necessary evidence to make a strong claim.
If a court case has already taken place, the result must have been in favour of the defendant. For instance, the defendant must have been found not guilty, or the case must have been dismissed. The police force may have also manufactured false evidence, such as producing false witness statements or committing perjury.
Our solicitors in Streatham Hill can help you find the hard evidence needed for a successful claim, standing by you every step of the way, and helping you acquire the justice and compensation you deserve.
Other Claims Against the Police
Malicious prosecution is just one of many claims you can make against the police force. Individuals are often scared to make claims against police conduct due to the misconception that members of the police force are somehow “above the law.” With the right representation and legal advice, you can pursue claims with the same merit and vigour of any other civil litigation case. Other claims include wrongful arrest and false imprisonment, police negligence and anything listed as a human rights breach.
How We Can Help
Here at Van Eaton solicitors in Streatham Hill, we always recommend that parties seek expert legal advice before pursuing a malicious prosecution claim, as you need to ensure you’re following the correct route and have solid evidence that will stand in a civil litigation claim. Our qualified solicitors can help you gather such evidence, helping you build your case and accompanying you to court proceedings should they take place.
To find out more about our expert services, or to book a free consultation, please give us a call on 07736790321, or you can fill out our online form here. With years of experience and successful cases under our belt, we’re here to help.